Fitness Inspiration – The Workout Mamma

I am usually scrounging the net for fitness blogs and enthusiasts, checking out personal weight loss journeys. And mostly my searches are for postpartum weight loss. In one such search I found the blog ,’The Workout Mamma’. I was impressed by the posts and certainly wanted to read the beginning which led me to the about section. I was in for a shock, for here I met the beautiful Tamara .
Her blog describes her as Christ follower wife to a firefighter, mother to Cadden, personal trainer, blogger and yoga Instructor.. But what makes her a true inspiration is way beyond all these titles. Her story is that of woman who is fighter. Her exceptional journey of fighting paralysis and getting back to being fit truly left all my excuses at shame. I sat at my desk reading her incredible recovery story, one straight read for a hour . It felt like I was reading fiction, but it was real. I had tears in my eyes when I read certain sections and smiles when I reached the end. The one question I asked when I finished reading was whether I could share her story with my readers and she agreed.
Tamara was affected by a rare neurological disorder called Guillain–Barré Syndrome that left her paralyzed neck below at the young age of 23.  I cannot imagine the physical let alone emotional trauma that she faced.  If it were me, I would still break down, but not Tamara. She researched everything she could about the disease and with faith and family as her ammunition decide to battle this disease out.
Then the change in diet, the physical therapy and yoga. To quote from her blog
In addition to my biblical based diet, juicing, chiropractor/massage appointments, and physical therapy, I implemented two more items to myself made recovery plan: water exercises and yoga. From late spring until early fall I was in the pool daily walking and stretching my arms and legs. I would have two pool noodles with me and would push them across the top of the water for very minor resistance training. The noodles also made my parents feel better to know I had two easily accessible floatation devices near me in case I became overly tired. Once the weather became cooler I began a gentle yoga practice at home. I checked out yoga DVD’s from the library and would rotate through their selection every two weeks. I could barely balance but I did what I could and over several months began to see improvement.”
The fight lasted for a whole two years but at the end of it Tamara won. Since then she has completed her teacher training in yoga, run a half marathon and stood second in a trilithon.
Her amazing story is certainly a reminder to let us know that if you have the will and faith then nothing is impossible.  You can read Tamara’s incredible journey here
Thank you Tamara for letting me share your story on my blog.
Her blog is an great resource for all fitness enthusiast and want to be fit yummy mummy


  1. You are so sweet to share! Have a great day and thank you! XOXO, Tamara

    1. Thank god you like what I wrote, I wasnt sure whether I would do justice to the post

  2. :o and to think i put off exercise for years thinking I was too fat to walk/jog. Inspirational indeed. I am in awe.Also what a blog.

    1. Thats exactly what I thought when I read Tamara's blog. She puts all are execuses to shame

  3. so beautiful post well written

  4. Oh wow what a story n what strength....inspiring
    We're hav u been.....missing u here n on lookinggoodfeelingfab hope to c u soon


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