A week of GSP Rushfit and Eating Right

In my last post I mentioned how I am back to my workouts .What goes hand in hand with workouts is eating right and an almost clean diet.Its suprising how I always end up eating right when I workout.
Rushfit  is good and has been taxing and some points have lost most of  cause months of binging has messed the endurance I built. Like I mentioned in my last post I am following the intermediate schedule and this is what the 1st week looked like
Day1: Strenght and Endurance workout DVD
Day2:Abdominal Strenght and Core Conditioning DVD
Day3:Cardio + Stretch and Flexibility bonus DVD
Day4:Strenght and Endurance workout DVD
Day5:Cardio + Balance and Agility bonus DVD
Day6: Full Body Strenght Conditioning
For Cardio I did the Brazil Butt Lift Cardio Axe on one day and 4 kilometer walk on Day 5. As much as I would have loved to follow the advanced schedule I realized my body wasnt up to it yet. May be the next time I do this I will follow the advanced  calendar.
The eating is ok with trying to eat more frequently , 2 snacks and 3 meals. There is long way to go but I need to start somewhere. Guess once I am back to my food diary on MY fitnesspal, it will get better.


  1. dont worry the body is an amazing machine... you will be back to your fit self very soon!

  2. hi Just discovered your blog! good stuff!!
    I too need to get back after I had my baby who is not 8 months. Though i was back to my workouts - bootcamp, sprinting, yoga, after 3 months post partum, i still have not got back to my pre pregnancy levels of fitness.
    i think lack of sleep is a major reason for this!

    1. Oh yes Lack of sleep really tops the list of reasons for not loosing weight. But trust me it will get better once your baby is one year old. Guess we are all on the same boat.

  3. You go girl!I should take this as a tip to take one step at a time like you are :)

    1. Thanks dear. we surely willl reach our goals cause we are all in it together

  4. oh wow this sounds like a super workout...must try..
    I have had a bad couple of weeks workout wise...looking forwrd to sweating it out starting today :)

    1. The workouts is good though I still prefer Jillian


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