Week 10, 11 &12 Nike Running Coach plan

The promise was to have a post at least at the end of every week however life has other plans. So after a week of whirlwind tour on business I finally found time to complete this while wait to board my flight back home. Week 10 had 2 recovery runs of 5.5 and 7.5K plus the benchmark run and a long run for 15km. Sometimes feel that the Nike plan has more recovery runs than any other type but whatever I am just going with the flow and not questioning the method right now.
The beauty of the Nike run plus coaching plan is I can edit the schedule. So I moved around the workouts from Monday and Tuesday.  Tuesday I did an easy walk on the treadmill with an elevation of 10 at a lower speed for 2km. While the speed wasn’t high it still worked the quads. Its work in progress on elevation as there aren’t any hill runs as part of the plan. Wednesday I managed to run 5.5k. The plan suggested at an easy 8.5” speed but I ran faster averaging at a pace of 7.5”. Thursday was rest day for run so did a slow walk. Friday was the bench mark run. Benchmark run our guided 15 min runs with 7 min warm up, 3min of speed run and 5 min cool down. The weather was great so ran outside and covered 1.57km and ran the speed section at a pace varying from 7:05” to 6:45”. Sunday did a long run of 13.78 km  at 8:18” pace against an original plan of 15km. Rains played hide and seek breaking the rhythm so ended running lesser than the planned.
Week 11 was a complete wash because of the travel to Mumbai where the weather was horrendous, couldn’t wait to get out of the city. The only silver lining in the cloud was completing the Purple run a 10km event for raising awareness on Alzheimer’s. That run was completed with just 1 hour of sleep the previous night, so all throughout I felt I just wanted to drop dead. Still managed to keep a pace of 8:17”
Week 12
With all the traveling Week 12 seemed to be a saner week. The week looked like this
Monday: rest day
Tuesday: Speed 8*800m – completed at average pace of 7:50”
Wednesday: NTC workout – followed “Metabolic Kick HIIT” program and worked the upper body for 20min
Thursday: Benchmark run with the speed section averaging between 6:40 to 5:40”
Friday: Rest days
 Saturday:  46 min upper body focused circuit training
Sunday: Long run- Ran 8.53km against the original of 16.5km. The weather was extremely humid and my running partner and me started very late in the morning so by the 5km we were dead of exhaustion
And that is the low down on the last 3 weeks. I started writing this post in the airport last week. Finally managed to finish it after a week. The week did not go as planned but nevertheless I still try to follow on as the crescendo builds towards the Bangalore Marathon.
How was your week , did you get out?


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