Forgive me for I have sinned.....

Dan Browns Inferno has got me hooked on Dante's "Divine Comedy", though I certainly want to hurl Inferno in the garbage or at Dan Brown because its a terrible read. I think the writer has lost his brilliance( more of that some other time). So coming back  to Divine Comedy, for those who aren't aware, it  is  Dante's epic poem about his journey from  hell to paradise. Inferno (the first part )in Italian stands for hell and Dante describes it as nine circles beneath the Earth.

So what has all this got to do with me or my health journey. Well according to Dante if I don't stop I will rot in the the third circle which is gluttony . This is for those who overindulge in food and drinks or any other form of addiction.

These past days for me has been my journey into hell, with tireless eating and binging of everything unhealthy and junk., cookies, doughnuts, biryani, name it and I have eaten it.

I actually cringe while writing this, and I am burdened with not only the fat but also a ton of guilt . So how do I get out of this hell, I certainly don't want to rot in this slush. There is nothing religious about the guilt but the fact that I need pull myself  together again. My analysis is simple, I have lost my motivation and dedication and don't know how to get it back. Part of the problem is that there hasn't been any drastic changes, no inch loss or weight loss and part of it is that I am kind of getting settled with the idea of me being fat.

Dante describes in Purgatory that those who have gluttonous can repent by starving in the presence of trees whose fruit is forever out of reach. Well some of that makes sense , if I have to really get over the guilt I need to get back to eating clean and healthy and exercising like hell that would also mean giving up everything I like (sweets, deep fried stuff , desserts)

I am lost can you help me , leave a comment about how I can get back on my journey? Any ideas


  1. first of all.. its ok to go haywire once in a way... I'd suggest that you get back to working out...

    I find that I eat better (healthy choices) on days I exercise than days that I dont! Make small steps, forgive yourself and you'll be back in business soon :)

    And btw you look FAB!!! Dont bother about the weighing scale/inch tape etc... fous on how you feel instead!

  2. Thank you so much Sugar for the kind words. I do the same I eat better when I exercise and you are right I should get back to working out, will surely put an end to the vicious cycle

  3. I myself am in the rut! So no good adv-other than-we're in it together my friend! :)

    1. oh yes , we should call ourselves Sisters in Rut :) hOpefully we can change that to Sisters in Strenght

  4. I make sure to have a breakfast made of good amount of protein and complex carbs both. Like adding a couple of eggs or a heaped tablespoon of protein powder to my upma/idli/paratha for BREAKFAST (Yes, I meant to emphasize this particular meal). I found this helps me overcome my carvings. When I eat sugar, I eat and eat till my stomach hurts - this is the level of my cravings and a protein rich breakfast helped me. And I became a believer :)

    I don't know if this tip is what you were looking for...
    And you have probably gotten over to no junk zone by now

    1. Great Tip, I am gonna try and follow this. Hopefully it helps me too


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