New Year Resolution and Blog Changes

 2013 is here, wishing everyone out there a Happy and prosperous New Year. And come the 1st of Jan most people spend time making Resolutions health and fitness being a big part of it. But come the 10th of the month and most of those resolutions have either been forgotten or excuses are piled over it. I am no exception in making resolutions and most cases I don’t stick by them due to sheer laziness.  
Why is it so difficult to stick by New Year resolutions?  Something that I have realized over time is we don’t make changes till it’s detrimental to our living. For example when we are about to lose are job we look at learning a new skill. There has to be a burning desire or need for change to happen. Most resolutions aren’t backed with that kind of passion.  I am no exception in this rule. This year’s decision is more of a goal rather than a resolution that will end with 2013
This year I decided that I will not wait for a first of Jan or the beginning of the month or beginning of a week to make changes. I will make them when I think of it, be it Fitness or career or even changes in behavior.  
So the blog will not be just a mere journal of workouts, you will see a lot more things like beauty tips or career updates or ways to inculcate new behaviors and of course fitness. I blog weekly about the Round 2 of Body Revolution so that will still be there apart from that you will some other interesting posts. So please leave a comment every time you like or dislike a post or idea. It surely will encourage me to keep at this.


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