
Showing posts from September, 2012

Body Revolution Week 7 Day 43 & 44

This week is great and there are lots of things to celebrate but first let me get to the workouts and then celebration. Week 7 has Workout 7 and Workout 8, Jillian says that these workouts get tougher progressively and boy are they tough. Workout 7 will grind you to paste and then do it again. It has some really tough moves and after a long time I felt sore the next day. It has all kind of push-ups  and planks that work those shoulders and triceps. To top it are the super sets and crazy cardio intervals. Workout 8 is a little easier compared to 7 but  it  will still make you want divine intervention So like I mentioned earlier this week has started of well  one reson is that I could fit into one of my pre pregnancy pants which I couldnt get past my thighs sometime in July. Another is I could fit into my favourite capris also pre pregnancy and wore it to go out with hubby dearest. I did my happy dance and was jumping all around the place .  But the best was hubby dearest showering wi

Body Revolution Week 6 Day 36,37,38,39, 40,41,42

Week 6 was my second go around at the workout 5 and 6 and cardio 2. Workout 5 is tough , especially with pushups and side planks. I think I need to do some extra pushups everyday to get it right because the next weeks will be tough with some weird pushups in workout 7 and 8. The week  statrted on Tuesday rather than a Monday so there wont be a rest day on sunday I don't want to to do modified ones, so I need to get extra pushups, planks and side planks to my workout everyday I am still waiting for the dumbbells that I ordered so guess I only get to add them from Week 7. Something that I still haven't got a hang of is the meal planning and water intake. Its funny that I was able to have control when I worked out before my pregnancy so much that I reached my desired weight within 3 months. Most of this I account to laziness because taking care of the baby hasn't taken a toll on me. My mom is staying with us till princess turns one and she takes care of her all the time,

Body Revolution Week 5 Day 32, 33, 34

Week 5 was a little Blah because of the low weight dumbbells. But Week 6 onwards is going to be awsome as I have ordered new weights from ebay, cant weight for them for them to arrive. The second go around at workout 5 and 6 and Cardio 2 was so much better than the first time. I completed the reps, cheated a little ...maybe 3 second breaks between some of the sets. Overall they werent that bad , only if I had heavier weights it would have been just perfect. Food wise I did make mistakes and that made the week worse but I am back on track. Tommorow is Thoughtful Tuesday so there are gonna be some thoughtfull choices in food .

Body Revolution Week 5 Day 31

Wednesday was supposed to be Day 31 , the cold got worse and so I skipped the workout totally and got some needed rest. So Cardio 2 happened on Thursday. Wow this workout will have you huffing and puffing right from the word go. It has 3 circuits with each one consists of jump ropes, butt kicks, high knees, alternating knee thrusts, jumping jacks, fast feet, skaters, skiers, cleahops, cross jacks, upper cuts, towel runs, hooks and burpees . All the moves are done in the previous phase but not to together though, which makes it tough or should I say makes you feel like you want to die.  I realised that Phase 2 is way tougher than Phase 1 , lets see if I have the same opinion next week when it which will be my second go at Workout 5 and 6 and Cardio 2.  Another thing that I am worried about is not feeling sore after the workouts. And this is probably due to the weights that I use, so I have gone ahead and ordered some new heavier ones. I hope they arrive by the beginning of next

Body revolution week 5 Day 30

I wasn't supposed to post until the end of this week,but what the hell I will try to do daily updates when ever I can So today is one of those days. I had my first go at workout 6 today and unlike 5 I managed to complete it with just one cheat. Well you would think that it was easier than yesterday, but no, Jillian managed to kick my butt again. I don't want to give up so ploughed through it although I felt like I was dying. To make matters worse, I have a full blown cold or flu as you call it. In the end it all felt good to have completed it. It's  true that you don't know that you had it in the whole time  till you have pushed your limits. I did that today and it felt great. On the eating front I try  sticking to the calorie limit,but not entirely clean. Clean eating is a work in progress. Ok that's it for now, more to come next time

Body revolution week 5 Day29

As you must have noticed I do not have the discipline to write a post everyday. So the posts are done every week. But today has to be an exception,it was the beginning of phase 2 with workout 5, and boy it kicked my ass. It was so tough that i tried it in the morning and stopped midway in the first circuit. I finally did it in the evening and could only do it till the first time of the fourth circuit. It was bad and I felt dizzy so stopped and did the cool down. Supersets are tough may be I will be able to complete the next time. Part of the problem is also that I have a bad throat, hope it doesn't get worse. That's all for now. I will update the post end of this week  

Body Revolution Week 4 revisited and Brazil Buttlift Week 1

Wow. this finally marks the end of phase 1 and start of the amazing Phase 2 with new cardio moves. As you all know that I repeated Week 4 because of my poor performance last week. As I knew I wouldn't be visiting these workouts again in the schedule I really put in all the effort and boy did I feel I worked out.I did all the tough ones without cheating including the squirms, planks and all the other. When I did the Cardio 1 for the last time I gave it my all, ran longer suicides and did the tougher versions of all the moves. I wanted to do it cause I knew I was not gonna come back to it again in the 90 days The only one that I didn't do properly was the crescent in workout 3. Something that I noticed this week was if you don't give your 100% in the different exercises you would feel its all easy breezy. The past weeks I wasn't trying hard so BR felt too easy and not much of a workout. Also proper form makes a huge difference in working the right muscles. Things th

Body Revolution Week 4

This should have marked the end of BR  Week 4 and Phase 1 but it was a complete mess up. So I plan to extend week 4 to next week and complete Phase 1 properly. Though I have to admit that it started well with me completing  Workout 3 and Workout 4 with the added Brazil Butt lift workouts Bum Bum, High and tight and Cardio Axe as the Pm wortkout. Howeevr somewhere along the week it all fell apart. This included the food. First it was the biryani and then it was all the sweets. I f I keep at it I am gonna eat my way through all the hardwork that I put in the workouts. There needs to be a little more discipline. This week is also gonna be difficult on the diet with huby dearest B'day and so the entire weekend of partying and eating out. I will still try to keep control. Also what I need to do is be more regular with my food diary on myfitnesspal The end goal is way bigger then all these small comfort food pleasures. THere was a reassurance on that when I went out shopping for my h