
Showing posts from June, 2012

The My FitnessPal update

I wanted a way to log my everday diet and fluid intake.While I will update the details here a better place would be My Fitnes sPal . It lets me log food and water consumption . This the report for 28th June

the biggest loser club

I mentioned about the group of collegues that I have roped for a biggest loser challenge. We finally created  a group on Facebook for it for daily updates. The plan is to weigh in on Monday. I dread it. My workout plan starts on sunday, I know a lot may think its a bad idea but simplicity sake as Sunday is the 1st of july , it seems fine. It  would make Saturday the rest day, which will be great after a long week of work, home and  workout. I have allowed my self one cheat day in a month. As for the update on the diet, i have certainly started thinking about things that I put in the mouth . Also there is a tab on waking up to water and the water intake for the day. It is nearly reaching the 1.5 ltre mark. This journey is surely going to be uphill. Ohh I also have the Ripped in 30 DVD. I was wondering whether I should start with Ripped in 30 or the 30 day slim down plan. Will keep updating if there are a change of plans.

Diet Plan

All weight loss programs fail due to diet. " You cannot keep shoveling the same crap into your mouth every day and expect to loose weight.”  Skinny Bitch . When I got pregnant I stopped worrying about what I ate worst still I continued doing so after the birth as well. Chocolates, ice-creams, chips, samosas, jalebis you name it and I ate it, all in the name of  pregnancy and child birth. One thing I would request all pregnant women is to watch what you eat while you are pregnant or you will end being the fat mummy that you loath being. I was size 0 before my wedding (all my life till the age of 30), reached a size 12 after the wedding and stayed there for 2 years, went back to a size 0 (workout, diet ) and stayed there till pregnancy. The crux is I haven’t it in me to be fit and to eat sensibly. This diet plan was created after reading a lot of diet books. Reading list: Don't Lose Your Mind, Lose Your Weight  and Women and the Weight Loss Tamasha  by Rujuta Diwekar, 

workout procrastination

I certainly wanted to start my exercise regime two days back but haven't begun. Reason,sleep. I wonder if its because I don't get enough sleep or that i have to wake up so many times to feed the baby. Anyways whatever the excuse I have to do it. I know part of the problem is  laziness and my habit to procrastinate.I surely need to stop it and start working out. I dont think i will be able to do it tomorrow either  cause i have to be at work early. God the weight keeps piling on I am not doing much about it. The only light at the end of the tunnel is that I am trying to stick to my diet plan. The next blog is about the diet plan.

My weight loss plan

I need to loose weight and I need to lose it soon. There are couple of reasons I thought that this should be the first place I need to work on in my journey to be yummymummy. But the most important of them all is be healthy and fit so I can take care of my daughter  and be there for her The goal........ My current weight-------70kgs .( Shocking ......this was my rude awakening today) Goal weight  in 4months----------- 58kgs Goal Weight in 6mnths-----------55kgs I need to also checkin the other stats so I  can track the inch loss. In my journey to lose weight the biggest hurdle I see is to be able to stick to the plan. No matter how motivated one is it always easy to slip. To tackle this one I roped in some collegues at work on a biggest loser challenge to help me stay on track .  More on the biggest loser challenge in the coming weeks. A challenge like this helps me stay on track and the incentive is amazing.  So what is the plan., two things diet and exercise.

the weight loss story at 34

I am 34, mother of a beautiful baby girl and wife to a handsome man. Does that make me happy? Not really. I gave birth to my princess six months ago and love the feeling of being a mother but what I dont like is not being able to look in the mirror and feel  good. The person I see in the mirror is a Fat old woman with dark circles, tired looking face and most of all completely clueless of life. Its like seeing me without passion or fire. . Can a weightloss  and image makeover change it, maybe and maybe not. What I need is a complete overhaul (image, attitude, passion,dressing style and confidence) I want my old self back , not just for my daughter and my husband but most importantly myself. I started this blog to love myself again, to be the yummy mummy that my princess will be proud of. The deadline is 6 months...Intime for my daughters first birthday. So there are couple of things that I want to do Rewrite my Mission statement Rework the goals Weight loss