
Showing posts from 2014

Thank you 2014

Season Greetings all my lovely readers J I know it’s been a long period of silence before this post and I am sure someone out there must have missed it. Let me be honest, I was lazy to go on writing. But I am back again to write the last post for the year. A year has gone by and what a year it has been so a warm hug to you 2014. There were times of frustration, smiles, laughter, tears and a truck load of excitement. This year has been the most fulfilling year for my fitness goals. I discovered running this year and may I say I have fallen in love with it. A proof of this undying love is taking part in a bunch of marathons. It started with the Puma Urban Stampede (5K run), then came The Bull run(16Km trail run up Nandi hills)    and then it was followed by the 10K Kaveri trail Marathon . This year also saw me run my first ever half marathon (21Km)   at the very first Bangalore Marathon   and I ended the year with another 21Km at the Bangalore Midnight Marathon. Each of these made

113 days countdown and update

Work is suddenly back to being crazy again. And I feel so tired by the end of day and to add to it's the muscle soreness. So I really don't have the energy too write much and  the update is short … today I did some cardio on the elliptical and burned a cool 421 calories in just 30 minutes. Yay!!!!!. There some interesting locker room conversation that I wanted to share so that I will do tomorrow when I am well rested. Have a great weekend ahead and god bless Love YM

114 days countdown and workout update

Today was the designated cardio day but work happened and didn't get to the gym in the morning........ Ok wait up before you nod your head again and say there goes her commitment.......I made it to the gym in the evening and better still skipped the cardio and got Nash to train lower body  and abs. Most of the moves were plyometrics so that compensated for the cardio as well. So we did jumping lunges, then squat jumps, mountain climbers, pushups with knee to elbow move (don't know what that's called)  , machine assisted shoulder press, and kettle bell lateral raises(8kg) all of which were 3sets  each Then we did some abs, which was in and outs,v twists and leg climbers also 3 sets of each. That was today's session, and then we stretched. I have to say the stretches that Nash makes me do our really good  and he actually made me realize that I am tighter on the right leg. He said that may be I use that leg when standing on heels to compensate. That's good observatio

115 days to the marathon and workout update

115 days to the Bangalore half marathon, and I plan to share my workout each day till D-day. Today was workout session with Nash. My legs were pretty beat from Mondays days session with Nash and the cardio yesterday. And when I mean beat, I was walking around like a zombie all day. So I told Nash about it and he said well then plan was to work arms , back and of course core. So I am happy that he knew I would be sore even before I told him .... That's good. So we worked arms and back, that were pretty unique n, nothing like I have done before. Its amazing how much fun workouts are if the trainee u have the same wavelength of communication. So I am kind of liking working out the gym no... Actual look forward to it. I know its to early to pass a judgment but Nash is great trainer, unlike some of the Boohoo s at golds gym who call themselves trainer. The other interesting part is that he has done the P90x and is a huge fan of GSP (George St. Piers of Rushfit) so he knows where I a

Another year of blogging or may be not

So another year has gone by and this marks the second year of this blog.  I haven't done much of blogging this year because of my work schedule and partly due to laziness. But I am trying to make some more positive changes as I complete being 35(that's half way through considering an average life span of 70) and what better way than the blog. In my last blog I promised to be more regular, but failed. I ain't making excuses but the time I get home all I want do is hit the bed. So tired after work and driving through horrendous Bangalore traffic. I know people live busier schedule and still find time to do stuff, including blogging. OK enough of the rant...... Time to share some good news and new goals for the year......(I know its been 6 months of 2014) though for me the health goals have always been from July to June (birth month u see). So on with it I plan to run in Marathons this year and I have already signed up for it. There is the 5k Puma Urban Stampede, then there i

Look what the cat dragged in

Hello , look what the cat dragged in ...Me.... Wow its been over 6 months from the last post and of course a year has flown by. So without much adieu "haapy new Year" to all my readers and blogging friends.I know its weird to wish you'll mid of April, but what the hell. I missed you'll too.The million dollar question would be where were u and the answer is simple work and more work. The last blog I mentioned about the new job and while its been good but crazy busy . Natuarally I fell of the health wagon because of the constant travels and and vicious deadlines on projects. I know that is just an excuse and there isnt one that is good enough for all the bad eating and not taking out time to be healthy.Hmmmm...but did I realize somewhere along the line that I needed to fix it....Did I????????? Well as always I needed a jolt and that I got with my blood work. I got a ton of test done to see how my body was doing....the result . A high body fat percentage and cholestro