
Showing posts from April, 2014

Look what the cat dragged in

Hello , look what the cat dragged in ...Me.... Wow its been over 6 months from the last post and of course a year has flown by. So without much adieu "haapy new Year" to all my readers and blogging friends.I know its weird to wish you'll mid of April, but what the hell. I missed you'll too.The million dollar question would be where were u and the answer is simple work and more work. The last blog I mentioned about the new job and while its been good but crazy busy . Natuarally I fell of the health wagon because of the constant travels and and vicious deadlines on projects. I know that is just an excuse and there isnt one that is good enough for all the bad eating and not taking out time to be healthy.Hmmmm...but did I realize somewhere along the line that I needed to fix it....Did I????????? Well as always I needed a jolt and that I got with my blood work. I got a ton of test done to see how my body was doing....the result . A high body fat percentage and cholestro